Non-Qadiyanis (Ahmadis) are not Muslims – Reverse Discrimination of Qadiyanis

By Dr Shahid Qureshi

Qadiyani (Ahmadis) do not consider non-Ahmadis as ‘Muslims’ but tell everyone that we have been discriminated against on the basis of our faith and beliefs. The reality is that they are forbidden to keep any kind of social contact with the non-Ahmadis on the ground of their faith. When they interact with non-Ahmadis for business or official reasons their belief is as if they are dealing with Christians, or Hindus. They never invite non-Ahmadis even to their funerals or give their sons and daughters in marriage.

The Qadiyani view of their relationship with rest of the Muslims was well summarised by their second caliph, Mirza

Mahmud Ahmad:

“Our worship has been separated from the non–Ahmadis, we are prohibited from giving our daughters (in marriage) to them and we have been stopped from offering prayers for their dead. What then left that we can do together? There are two kinds of ties: one religious the other mundane. The greatest expression of the religious bond is in common worship and in matters mundane, these are the ties of family and marriage. But then both are forbidden (haram) to us. If you say that we are permitted to take their daughter (in marriage), then I would reply that we are allowed to marry the daughters of Christians as well. If you say why do we Salam (salute) to non- Ahmadis, then the reply to this is that … the Prophet (Muhammad) has said Salam to the Jews… Thus, the Promised Messiah (Mirza Ghulam Ahmad) has separated us, in all possible ways, from the others; and there is no kind of relationship which is particular to Muslims and we are not forbidden from (entering into) that”, (Kalimatul Fazsl’, by Mirza Mahmud Ahmad in Review of Religions).

It is gross misuse of the Human Rights and Immigration laws by the Ahmadis with the pretext that they have been victimised in Pakistan by the larger Muslim population. In actual fact that has never been the case as they are allowed to practise their faith freely, they (Qadiyanis) are allowed to contest elections and unlike other citizens have two votes – one for general seats and the other for special seats reserved for religious minorities in the parliament said former Foreign Minister Khurshid Kasuri in the British Parliament few years ago when he was invited to attend the inauguration of their place of worship in London

The Parliament of Pakistan in 1974, declared the ‘Ahmadis’ to be Non- Muslims owing to their views regarding the finality of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). This was done reluctantly when the head of the Ahmadi community deposed before the parliament that they consider those the non-Ahmadis as non-Muslims. Infact their founder declared the Muslims who did not accept his prophethood to be Kafir (infidels) a long time ago well before the partition of India.

As an open-minded and liberal Muslim leader Muhammad Ali Jinnah, father of the Pakistani nation, appointed Sir Zafarullah Khan (a Qadiyani) as the first foreign minister of Pakistan but he did not attend his funeral conducted by a Sunni scholar Maulana Shabeer Ahmed Usmani, considering Mr Jinnah as non-Muslim (non-Ahmadi). In a hypothetical scenario as far as the integration of the Qadiyanis with the rest of the Muslim community is concerned the doors for the non-Ahmadis are shut.

A London based magazine wrote: ‘The National Assembly (in 1974) would go to remove a long standing but an unnecessary anomaly. The decision would serve only to formalise the de facto even de jure position. The problem had arisen not because the Muslims in some fit of orthodoxy or fanaticism wanted to ‘excommunicate’ any group of people. Its origin, on the other hand, lay in the assumption by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadiyan of Messiahship, and prophet-hood and as a consequence, branding those who did not believe in him to be outside the pale of his Islam.

I always see Qadiyanis a political problem with religious label following the views of Dr Sir Allama Iqbal, a lawyer and philosopher asked the British Government in 1935, to declare the Qadiyanis as separate community just as they done with the Sikhs. Sir Iqbal said, ‘the Qadiyanis while pursuing a policy of separation in religion and social matters ‘, however, anxious to remain politically with the fold. The Qadiyanis will never take initiative for separation’, argued Sir Iqbal because their small number (56,000) according to 1931 census would not entitle them ‘even to a single seat in any legislature. The Qadiyanis asked the British Government that, ‘our rights too should be recognised like those of Parsees and Christians reported (Al Fadhi 13th November 1946 – Ahmadi publication).

During the British Rule in India Qadiyanis were created as part of the ‘psychological warfare’. It happened when invading or occupying powers need local collaborators to do their dirty jobs for example similar kind of group was created in Turkey (Gulen Network), Vietnam by the US but not on religious lines, a minority group was also patronised by the Israelis in South Lebanon, which was later abandoned. US also patronised a group in Iraqi Kurdistan.

Mirza’s ‘khalifah’ and son, Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad, wrote proudly in the cult’s paper Al-Fazal dated 1st November 1934, that: “The whole world considers us to be the agents of the British. That is why a German minister who attended the opening of an Ahmadiya building in Germany was asked to explain as to why he went to the function of a community, which was the agent of the British.

Here is what British Intelligence (Punjab Office Version) reported in 1919: “The Growth and Development of The Ahmadya Movement (1919)”:

“They (Qadiyanis) took NO part in the Muhammadan agitation over the Turkish question beyond expressing the opinion that consideration should be paid to the feelings of the Muhammadan world, and admitted frankly that they owned no spiritual allegiance to the Sultan (of Turkey), but recognized as their temporal sovereign the Power (British) under whose rule they lived. They were opposed to the ‘hijrat’ movement, maintaining that Islamic conditions governing the necessity for ‘hijrat’ had not been fulfilled.

The Khilfat and non-cooperation movements found them to be firmly on the side of (British) Government (in India). The Qadiyani section published pamphlets on the “Turkish Peace and “Non-cooperation and Islam”, in which non-cooperation, ‘hijrat (migration)’ and ‘Jehad’ were unqualifying condemned. Throughout the Punjab disturbances of 1919 they (Qadiyanis) remained loyal to the (British Government).”

No one can deny the special links of the community with the British Government as Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiyani (1838-1908) the shadowy prophet declared himself that Islam consisted of two parts: one, obedience to God and two, obedience to the British government. He admitted he could ‘pursue his mission neither in Makkah, nor Madinah; neither in Syria, nor Iran or Kabul save under this Government for whose good fortune we pray’. On 24th February 1898, Mirza sent a fawning petition to the British Lt-Governor of the province, he referred to his loyal services to the government of Britain and reminded him that he was their ‘their own plant’ (khud sakhtah pauda) and, then went on to request that his followers be given special consideration by officials.

According to a “Qadiyani Prophecy”, revealed few months before the independence of Pakistan in 1947: ‘if at all India and Pakistan did separate, it would be ‘transient’ and Qadiyanis were asked to try to bring an end to this phase soon”. (Published in Qadiyani Magazine: Al-Fzal, 4th April 1947 – 17th May 1947)

Their undermining was to the extent that a liberal Statesman and leader like Zulifqar Ali Bhutto realised what they were up to and banned Dr Abus Salam visiting Pakistan’s nuclear sites. He told his security chief in Jail (Col Rafi), “Ahmadis want same position as Jews in the USA i.e. they want every policy to go through with their approval… (‘Last 323 days of Z A Bhutto’ by Col Rafiuddin, pp67).

Surely the assessment of the visionary Statesman of Pakistan Zulifqar Ali Bhutto was on the spot as the following Israeli study proved it to be true in terms of mindset and following of tricks and treachery.

An Israeli study (P R Kumaraswamy: Beyond the Veil: Israel ¬Pakistan relation, Jaffe Centre for Strategic Studies, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, March 2000) brings to light, that Pakistan has its own `pro-Israeli’ lobby’ (Qadiyanis) has been doing since the word go.

All the minorities of Pakistan including Qadiyanis should be protected under the constitution of Pakistan and UN Declaration of Human rights. No one has ever said that Qadiyanis living in Pakistan are not Pakistanis. There should be no problem if Indian Qadiyanis collect donations for Indian Army after Kargil in occupied Kashmir. The question is how loyal Pakistanis they are? It is not a loyalty test in anyway but the actions of this minority over the years were/are undermining the state of Pakistan. They started undermining even before the creation of Pakistan.

A large number of Ahamdis have shunned their heretic views and re-joined the Muslim faith. They were all received with open arms, smiling faces and warm hearts. The doors for the rest are open.

I hope this clarify the situation as the problem is not with the Pakistani Muslims but with the Ahmadis themselves who use every trick to mislead foreign governments to get attention, funding and citizenships. It is widely known that after receiving Western and/or US nationalities first destination of the Ahmadis is Pakistan, very country which they present as dangerous for them live!

Dr Shahid Qureshi is a senior analyst with BBC ,Al-Jazeera, Press TV, MBC, Kazak TV (Kazakhstan), LBC Radio and chief editor of The London Post

Disclaimer: Views expressed are not of The Ktv News

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