The Gaza Crisis, Relief Operations And The Israeli Ahmadiyya Espionage Network

The Gaza Crisis, Relief Operations And The Israeli Ahmadiyya Espionage Network

by : Dr.Hasan Rana

The atrocities of the Zionist occupying forces against the oppressed Muslims of Palestine are increasing day by day.Due to Zionist aggression, over 40,000 Muslims have been martyred in the past eleven months (oct2023-sept 2024), a large number of whom are women and children

Due to the oppression of the Zionist forces, a crisis of food, water, healthcare, and other basic human necessities has emerged in Gaza and the West Bank. Exploiting this crisis, the pro-Zionist Ahmadiyya Qadiani group and their network have engaged in suspicious activities and Zionist-sponsored sabotage under the cover of humanitarian work in Gaza and other areas

Historically, there are many examples around the world where different countries, organizations, individuals, or other entities have operated under the cover of welfare institutions or organizations in rival countries or regions to achieve their own interests

These organizations appear to be involved in humanitarian aid or welfare work, but behind the scenes, they are often engaged in collecting secret information or espionage related to their opponents in those areas

An NGO or welfare organization operating in seemingly underdeveloped or other areas can, in reality, be used to influence your religion, beliefs, social values, and traditions, or to conduct espionage against you.

This article will highlight some incidents and facts that illustrate how a welfare organization or NGO, despite appearing to offer free education, clean water, rations, or other humanitarian services, can pose significant risks

According to various investigations that have come to light, Israeli intelligence agencies have recruited their agents within some international and local welfare organizations operating in Palestinian territories, or increased their influence within these organizations

Apparently these Israeli agents, who appear to be involved in humanitarian work, operate as welfare workers while collecting information about the Palestinian people, especially freedom fighters.While these welfare organizations ostensibly provided food, healthcare, and other necessities, their hidden purpose was to provide Israeli security agencies with information about the individuals in the area, their movements, and other details

These Israeli agents, who disguised themselves as humanitarian workers, established close relationships with the Palestinian people and provided Israeli security agencies with information about their daily lives, social structures, and the movements of freedom fighters

On several occasions, Israeli intelligence agencies tracked the financial or other aid received by Muslims through their local agents to prevent this aid from reaching the freedom fighters

In 2019, investigations by digital media platforms like Middle East Monitor and other news agencies revealed that Israeli intelligence agencies operated under the cover of humanitarian organizations in Gaza to spy on Muslims there, particularly freedom fighter groups, and keep them under surveillance.These apparently humanitarian efforts, which were actually aimed at spying on the Muslims of Gaza, involved Israeli intelligence agencies recruiting various individuals from Gaza itself into these dubious welfare organizations

After the aggression by Israel against Gaza, the West Bank, and other Palestinian territories on October 7, 2023, which created a crisis in basic human necessities like food, healthcare, and water for the Palestinians, the entire world, especially Muslim countries, began preparing to send aid through the Rafah border to meet these needs. However, initially, the occupying Israeli government did not permit any humanitarian organization or aid to reach Palestine

However, it was precisely at this time that the Zionists and their facilitators, the Ahmadiyya Qadiani group , began their real big gam

The Ahmadiyya welfare organization Humanity First, which appears to conduct relief operations in disaster-stricken or impoverished areas, however, allegedly, this Ahmadiyya organization named Humanity First has also been involved in human trafficking, money laundering, and other suspicious activities.Additionally, offices and branches of Humanity First  are located not only in the United Kingdom, the United States, Africa, and Pakistan but also in Israel and Palestine

At the time when Israeli forces had imposed a ban on aid to the oppressed Muslims of Palestine, Israeli forces allowed a British operatives from the Ahmadiyya welfare organization named Humanity First to enter Gaza under the pretense of humanitarian work. These operatives were led by Aziz Hafeez, a British ahmadi and the Chairman of Humanity First UK

 Supplies From The  Ahmadiyya Organization Humanity First Are Being Transported To Palestine Via Rafah Border

According to sources, these Ahmadiyya operatives from the UK enticed local men and women in Gaza with money and other benefits through Ahmadis already present in Israel, thus integrating them into their network

Currently, Humanity First in Gaza is being managed by a Palestinian ahmadi named AbdulQadir Mudalal.AbdulQadir Mudalal, this Palestinian ahmadi, is from the Tulkarm area in the West Bank. He was initially a Muslim but later converted to ahmadiyya

(From Right to Left )
  AbdulQadir Mudalal With Sharif Odeh,Ahmadiyya Network Israel President

Notably, he was previously associated with the Palestinian resistance organization Hamas

After his conversion to ahmadiyyaism, he not only engages in promoting ahmadiyyaism in Palestine and Israel but is also involved in anti-Hamas campaigns

Through the Ahmadiyya organization Humanity First, this individual is allegedly not only attempting to convert the oppressed Muslims of Palestine to ahmadiyyaism but is also potentially passing information about freedom-fighting Muslims to Israeli security agencies through espionage

In Palestine, the personnel of the Humanity First, which provides clean water, food, tents, and educational facilities, are actually using these humanitarian efforts as a cover to not only promote ahmadiyyaism among the oppressed Muslims of Gaza but also to turn Muslims against freedom fighters through this Israeli ahmadiyya influence operation and there is also a possibility that Muslims are being subjected to espionage

Ahmadiyya Network Humanity First Operatives In Gaza Refugee Camp

Alongside Gaza, this Israeli-Ahmadiyya network is continuing its activities in the West Bank as well.Note that Israel had not permitted any Muslim to purchase land or undertake new construction in the West Bank

However, a few years ago, under alleged Israeli patronage, the ahmadiyya group established a new center in the Tulkarm area of the West Bank, named ”Darul Aman”

Ahmadiyya Network Center At Tulkarm , Westbank

This newly established ahmadiyya center is managed under the supervision of Indian ahmadi missionary Shamsuddin Malabari, and surprisingly, a Pakistani ahmadi named Abdul Shakur is also operating there, And at ahmadiyya center the ahmadiyya welfare organization Humanity First, which is part of the pro-Zionist network, is engaged in its conspiracies against Islam and Muslims

(From Right To left)
 Shamsuddin Malabari (An indian), Ahamdiyya Missionary Head Israel with Ahamdiyya Network  Worldwide Head Mirza Masroor
Abdul Shakur A Pakistani Ahmadiyya Operative In Israel

About a year and a half ago, I expressed in one of my lectures, my concern that the ahmadiyya center established in the Palestinian area of Tulkarm might have been set up for the purpose of spying on Muslim freedom fighters.I feared that Israeli forces might soon conduct an operation against these freedom fighters.Unfortunately, my concern proved to be accurate

Shortly after, Israeli security forces conducted operations under the pretext of security in Tulkarm and the neighboring area of Jenin, resulting in the martyrdom of several innocent Muslims and recently, just a few days ago, Israeli security forces once again laid siege to the same area for several days, conducting an operation aimed at arresting or killing freedom fighters.This operation resulted in the martyrdom of several Muslims.Despite this, the ahmadiyya center in west bank continues to operate as before

Ahmadiyya Operatives In Jenin , Westbank

The ahmadiyya group is currently part of various international Zionist networks
Their aim is not only to protect Israeli interests but also to eliminate the impact of anti-Israel narratives, ideologies, or sentiments.To achieve their Zionist-oriented goals, the ahmadiyya network holds various programs against Muslim freedom fighters and in favor of Israel at their Mahmood Center in Haifa, Israel.These events are attended not only by Israeli ahmadis but also by IDF and oppressive Israeli forces

Israeli soldiers (IDF) At Ahmadiyya Mehmood Center, Haifa Israel

Under the cover of humanitarian work, these Zionist ahmadiyya conspiracies and subversive activities, which are increasing day by day, are extremely concerning.On one hand, oppressed Muslims in Palestine are suffering from Israeli aggression, and on the other hand, ahmadiyya subversion is ongoing.The ahmadiyya network, which has always been an instrument of the Zionist establishment, continues to betray Muslims

The activities of the ahmadiyya organization Humanity First in Palestine and Israel, the presence of Pakistani ahmadi Abdul Shakur in the ahmadiyya centers in Israel and Palestine, the potential espionage by ahmadiyya network operatives under the cover of humanitarian work, campaigns against freedom fighters, and other Zionist-supported subversive activities raise several questions and concerns about this Zionist-Ahmadiyya alliance

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